
Abu Dhabi Visa


Ordinarily, foreign nationals planning to visit Abu Dhabi are required to obtain a visa, either in advance (prepaid) or upon arrival. Enigma is your trusted partner, offering the most straightforward path to securing a visa for Abu Dhabi.
Visas on arrival are provided at the airport free of charge, while individuals who do not meet the criteria for this option must obtain a prepaid visa through a hotel, airline, or a local tour operator. Applying for an Abu Dhabi visa online is a swift and uncomplicated process.


Ordinarily, foreign nationals planning to visit Abu Dhabi are required to obtain a visa, either in advance (prepaid) or upon arrival. Enigma is your trusted partner, offering the most straightforward path to securing a visa for Abu Dhabi.
Visas on arrival are provided at the airport free of charge, while individuals who do not meet the criteria for this option must obtain a prepaid visa through a hotel, airline, or a local tour operator. Applying for an Abu Dhabi visa online is a swift and uncomplicated process.

How to Apply

By receiving your supporting documents digitally and collecting payment online, we can finish your Abu Dhabi visa application swiftly and easily. Additionally, you can finish everything by coming to our office in Abu Dhabi.

After selecting your preferred visa service, making the payment Your visa has been approved and sent to you.
Now, you can proceed to collect your airline ticket and address your insurance needs

How to Apply

By receiving your supporting documents digitally and collecting payment online, we can finish your Abu Dhabi visa application swiftly and easily. Additionally, you can finish everything by coming to our office in Abu Dhabi.

After selecting your preferred visa service, making the payment Your visa has been approved and sent to you.
Now, you can proceed to collect your airline ticket and address your insurance needs

Documents Required for long-term resident visa

If you are a national who is granted 30 days upon arrival, you may obtain a 90-day prepaid tourist visa; nevertheless, you will need to supply.


1. your passport digitally


2. a picture of yourself



Paying citizens asking for visas to Abu Dhabi


In order to obtain a tourist visa sponsored by Enigma based on your country, you may be requested to submit additional documentation if your name is not on the on-arrival list. However, some national visas cannot be processed.


1. Your passport digitally


2. A picture of yourself


3. Contact information for your family or friends in the UAE and a copy of their residency visa page



Quarantine & Covid-19


Unrestricted quarantine
If coming from the “green list” of nations, regions, and territories, there is no quarantine required.


Visitors arriving from those nations, regions, and territories will not be subject to quarantine restrictions and may enter the country after completing a number of processes, including COVID-19 testing.


The complete list of “green” nations, areas, and territories from which you can travel to Abu Dhabi is shown below:

Documents Required for long-term resident visa

If you are a national who is granted 30 days upon arrival, you may obtain a 90-day prepaid tourist visa; nevertheless, you will need to supply.


1. your passport digitally


2. a picture of yourself



Paying citizens asking for visas to Abu Dhabi


In order to obtain a tourist visa sponsored by Enigma based on your country, you may be requested to submit additional documentation if your name is not on the on-arrival list. However, some national visas cannot be processed.


1. Your passport digitally


2. A picture of yourself


3. Contact information for your family or friends in the UAE and a copy of their residency visa page



Quarantine & Covid-19


Unrestricted quarantine
If coming from the “green list” of nations, regions, and territories, there is no quarantine required.


Visitors arriving from those nations, regions, and territories will not be subject to quarantine restrictions and may enter the country after completing a number of processes, including COVID-19 testing.


The complete list of “green” nations, areas, and territories from which you can travel to Abu Dhabi is shown below:

1. Australia

2. Bhutan

3. Brunei

4. China

5. Cuba

6. Greenland

7. Hong Kong (SAR)

8. Iceland

9. Israel

10. Japan

11. Mauritius

12. Monaco

13. New Zealand

14. Portugal

15. Russia

16. Saudi Arabia

17. Singapore

18. South Korea

19. Switzerland

20. Taiwan (ROC)

21. Tajikistan

22. United Kingdom

23. Uzbekistan

Please note that this list is subject to change based on global COVID-19 developments.

Abu Dhabi COVID-19 Awareness Publications

Please note that this list is subject to change based on global COVID-19 developments.

Abu Dhabi COVID-19 Awareness Publications

Procedures for entering Abu Dhabi and travelling

For vital travel details, get in touch with your airline, and familiarise yourself with the rules and norms established by the appropriate authorities. Before travelling to Abu Dhabi, make sure you have the proper documentation.
This is the body of the second item's accordion. Prior to the collapse plugin adding the relevant classes that we need to style each piece, it is by default hidden. Through CSS transitions, these classes regulate both the general appearance and the showing and concealing of elements. With custom CSS or by modifying our default variables, you can change any of this. Almost any HTML can be placed inside the.accordion-body, however the transition does restrict overflow.
This is the body of the third item's accordion. Prior to the collapse plugin adding the relevant classes that we need to style each piece, it is by default hidden. Through CSS transitions, these classes regulate both the general appearance and the showing and concealing of elements. With custom CSS or by modifying our default variables, you can change any of this. Almost any HTML can be placed inside the.accordion-body, however the transition does restrict overflow.
This is the body of the third item's accordion. Prior to the collapse plugin adding the relevant classes that we need to style each piece, it is by default hidden. Through CSS transitions, these classes regulate both the general appearance and the showing and concealing of elements. With custom CSS or by modifying our default variables, you can change any of this. Almost any HTML can be placed inside the.accordion-body, however the transition does restrict overflow.

Adding Days to Your Stay

1. All visitation and tourist visas are extendable in Abu Dhabi upon application and subsequent approval by the appropriate authority. Without having to leave the nation, this can be accomplished.


2. AED 100 fine per day of overstay, will be computed starting 10 days after the visa expiry (90-day on arrival nations do not have 10 days), will be assessed for those who do not renew their visas as stated above.


3. With or without an exit, Enigma Abu Dhabi can help you with the best choice for extending your visa to Abu Dhabi.

Adding Days to Your Stay

1. All visitation and tourist visas are extendable in Abu Dhabi upon application and subsequent approval by the appropriate authority. Without having to leave the nation, this can be accomplished.


2. AED 100 fine per day of overstay, will be computed starting 10 days after the visa expiry (90-day on arrival nations do not have 10 days), will be assessed for those who do not renew their visas as stated above.


3. With or without an exit, Enigma Abu Dhabi can help you with the best choice for extending your visa to Abu Dhabi.

Revision of Status

This unique tool enables any foreign nationality in Abu Dhabi to simply change their visa status without leaving the country, regardless of whether they are on a visit or tourist visa, are an on-arrival national, or are a resident of Abu Dhabi. To avoid paying fines, the Status change must be finished before the grace period or visit visa expires. If you have all the necessary paperwork prepared, you can complete the process by going to the typing centre or Abu Dhabi immigration.


1. The applicant already possesses a resident visa for Abu Dhabi.


2. A list of required documents


3. Emirates ID of the Sponsor (Colour)


4. Passport of applicant (in colour), valid for at least six months


5. e-visa approval copy


6. A copy of an earlier tourist, visit, or visa cancellation document


7. If you have an arrival visa, a copy of your most recent on-arrival stamp or file number

Revision of Status

This unique tool enables any foreign nationality in Abu Dhabi to simply change their visa status without leaving the country, regardless of whether they are on a visit or tourist visa, are an on-arrival national, or are a resident of Abu Dhabi. To avoid paying fines, the Status change must be finished before the grace period or visit visa expires. If you have all the necessary paperwork prepared, you can complete the process by going to the typing centre or Abu Dhabi immigration.


1. The applicant already possesses a resident visa for Abu Dhabi.


2. A list of required documents


3. Emirates ID of the Sponsor (Colour)


4. Passport of applicant (in colour), valid for at least six months


5. e-visa approval copy


6. A copy of an earlier tourist, visit, or visa cancellation document


7. If you have an arrival visa, a copy of your most recent on-arrival stamp or file number

Travel Protection

Finding inexpensive aeroplane tickets online, selecting a picture-perfect beach to wake up to, making a list of all the restaurants and cafés you want to visit, and other enjoyable holiday planning activities are all great fun. Along with all of this exciting planning, there is one thing we frequently overlook: the appropriate travel insurance.


There is always some uncertainty involved with travel. When things go wrong, having the correct travel insurance package offers a safety net to prevent damages. Financial hazards that your wallet alone can’t endure are covered by insurance.

Enigma has made travel insurance one of the least complicated and difficult aspects of vacation planning for you because we all realise how important it is, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Travel Protection

Finding inexpensive aeroplane tickets online, selecting a picture-perfect beach to wake up to, making a list of all the restaurants and cafés you want to visit, and other enjoyable holiday planning activities are all great fun. Along with all of this exciting planning, there is one thing we frequently overlook: the appropriate travel insurance.


There is always some uncertainty involved with travel. When things go wrong, having the correct travel insurance package offers a safety net to prevent damages. Financial hazards that your wallet alone can’t endure are covered by insurance.

Enigma has made travel insurance one of the least complicated and difficult aspects of vacation planning for you because we all realise how important it is, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

When You Arrive & Paid

Even if you’re just passing through Abu Dhabi, you might need to apply for a visa if you intend to travel to the United Arab Emirates. With a UAE Transit Visa, you can travel throughout the nation we call home for up to 96 hours, or with a UAE Tourist Visa, you can stay for up to 90 days. Online visa applications for the UAE are quick and simple. You do not require a visa to enter Abu Dhabi if you are from any of the below-mentioned nations or areas. Simply head to immigration after landing in Abu Dhabi to acquire a visa upon arrival (free on arrival visa via a stamp).

When You Arrive & Paid

Even if you’re just passing through Abu Dhabi, you might need to apply for a visa if you intend to travel to the United Arab Emirates. With a UAE Transit Visa, you can travel throughout the nation we call home for up to 96 hours, or with a UAE Tourist Visa, you can stay for up to 90 days. Online visa applications for the UAE are quick and simple. You do not require a visa to enter Abu Dhabi if you are from any of the below-mentioned nations or areas. Simply head to immigration after landing in Abu Dhabi to acquire a visa upon arrival (free on arrival visa via a stamp).

1. Andorra

2. Argentina

3. Australia

4. Austria

5. Bahamas

6. Barbados

7. Belgium

8. Brazil

9. Brunei

10. Bulgaria

11. Canada

12. Chile

13. Colombia

14. Costa Rica

15. Croatia

16. Cyprus

17. Singapore

18. Denmark

19. Estonia

20. Finland

21. France

22. Germany

23. Greece

24. Honduras

25. Brunei

26. Hong Kong(SAR of China)

27. Hungary

28. Iceland

29. Italy

30. Japan

31. Kazakhstan

32. Latvia

33. Liechtenstein

34. Lithuania

35. Luxembourg

36. Malaysia

37. Maldives

38. Malta

39. Mexico

40. Monaco

41. Montenegro

42. Nauru

43. Netherlands

44. New Zealand

45. Norway

46. People’s Republic of China

47. Peru

48. Poland

49. Republic of Mauritius

50. Republic of El Salvador

51. Portugal

52. Romania

53. Russian

54. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

55. San Marino

56. Serbia

57. Seychelles

58. Singapore

59. Slovakia

60. Slovenia

61. Solomon

62. South Korea

63. Spain

64. Sweden

65. Switzerland

66. The Vatican

67. Ukraine

68. United Kingdom

69. United States of America

70. Uruguay

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We are eager to send you on a vacation shortly!